Registration process:
- Look at volunteer days for opportunities, make sure you can get to the location and bring any equipment required
- Call if you have any questions. If you need a ride, some might be available from Kingston or en route- call to ask.
- Look over volunteer form, fill it out and send it in by e-mail (if you are a new volunteer only). This form must be signed by you (and your guardian, if applicable) before you can go on trip. If you would like to mail it in or drop it off in advance, please call Lesley to arrange.
- Let us know by e-mail or phone when you would like to volunteer
- We will call you to discuss and confirm your registration. Do not show up unless we have confirmed your registration.
- Show up at meeting location on time and ready for all weather
- If you can no longer make it to a volunteer day, please call and cancel
- Note: Spaces may be limited and are given on a first-come, first served basis. Do NOT show up at the meeting place without having registered in advance.
Lesley Rudy
613-389-0418 x131